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Organizations throughout Southwest Michigan request volunteers. We post those listings on the ChangeHub. Our eager volunteers find service opportunities that best fit their skill sets, the volunteer and organization contact one another and the world begins to change.
Register your organization or check out some of our listings below!
Join us this sabbath for the last service sabbath of the semester.
We meet at 2:30pm at PMC to load the vans to the 4 different locations:
1. Food Drive collection in Benton Harbor
2. Music for Seniors @ Provision Living
3. Beach Pick up - Biophilia CLub
4. Delivery of Easter Baskets to churchs and nurisng home for kids and seniors.
You can sign up on the Ufaith app or walk-in on sabbath!
See you there!
Join us as we partner with Harbor of Hope to distribute Thanksgiving baskets to the Benton Harbor community. For transportation, meet us in the Howard Performing Arts Center parking lot at 12 p.m. Seating is limited, so please be on time.
Join AU NSSLHA Chapter for a service gala and awards ceremony. A portion of the proceeds will go to “Parkinson Voice Project”.
When: April 9, 2022 | 6:30 pm
Where: Andrews Academy Commons
Tickets: March 1 - 11: $15 | March 12-25: $20
AU NSSLHA Chapter and the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders is hosting a can/non perishable food drive for Red Bud Ministries.
Redbud Area Ministries is an interdenominational and interracial ministry center started to organize the churches in the Buchanan and Galien School Districts to respond to individual and family needs.
Location drop-off: The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Bell Hall 114. We will be accepting donations from now until April 9.
Looking for an opportunity to learn how to share your faith, connect with the community, and earn scholarship money? Try canvassing! Join the iCanvass AU (Literature Ministries) Club in the Department of Religion & Biblical Languages (Buller Hall) this Sunday for an outreach adventure you won't forget. Sign up and more information available here:
Dates and Times:
Sun, Jan. 16, 2022 | 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Mon, Jan. 17, 2022 | 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Sun, Feb. 6, 2022 | 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Sun, Feb. 20, 2022 | 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Sun, March 13, 2022 | 10 a.m.–7:30 p.m.
Sun, April 3, 2022 | 10 a.m.–7:30 p.m.
Sun, April 17, 2022 | 10 a.m.–7:30 p.m.
Location: Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, Buller Hall, Andrews University
God's Abundant Pantry is a pantry that provides food and groceries for around 150 families. We are open on Tuesday's and we are looking for more student help one Tuesday every month from 3:00pm-7:00pm.
Responsibilities include:
* To open the pantry.
*Pull out all the grocery carts.
*All items go on the table. (Rice, beans etc.)
*Items are taken out of the freezer and refrigerator.
*Student volunteers/or volunteers stand behind the table to hand out items.
*When done, put everything away.
*Sign forms for student volunteers for the government.
*May need to drum up more volunteers.
If you're interested in helping, please call Roger Pickell (269-277-2899).
The State of Michigan is providing free bottled water to residents of the city of Benton Harbor. Area organizations are working together to provide city residents with cases of bottled water.
Volunteers are needed to move these cases into residents' vehicles and help with these drive-through distributions.
Sign up on this website for different dates and times:
PLEASE NOTE: This event is not an Andrews University activity; as with all group events in the local community, be sure to follow COVID-19 safety practices and confirm any specific COVID-19 guidelines for the event itself.
The Pioneer Memorial Church Youth Group is organizing a Honduras mission trip this coming Christmas break!
Translators (Spanish speakers) and activity leaders are needed for the friendship day camp hosted for the children's home and community.
What will you be doing? The day camp will include stations for crafts, music, Bible learning, and health/sciences. It is a fun, engaging experience to help wonderful kids.
General costs include airfare plus $300 for room and board.
Space is limited, with a $400 deposit needed to reserve your spot as soon as possible.
Attending will mean missing the first two days of classes spring semester.
For full details/information about the trip, please email Elizabeth Cisneros at
To reserve your spot or if you have questions, email Glenn Russell at
We need your help!
Due to COVID shipping issues, Majuro SDA Elementary School in Micronesia Islands. Where we have 7 of our Andrews student missionaries, the math teacher, Garett Lee, is teaching and shared with us the limiations and struggles in his classroom because they are short on basic school supplies that help teach math to his students.
If you are a club, department, or indiduval who wants to help collect items for this classroom please let us know
They need 25 of each of the following:
Calculators (any kind!)
Composition NoteBooks(Graph Paper)
Geometry sets
and basketball nets
Please contact or come by CFE office to help out!
We are starting of creating plans for Change Day 2021! We are seeking input from student volunteers, who want to lead out in the planning and coordination of Change Day.
If you are interested in being part of the planning team, please email or come by Center for Faith Engagement.
We exist to change the world by empowering at-risk youth Benton Harbor and beyond to overcome adversity and break the cycles of generational poverty. Volunteer with us today! To get more information email us: